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Economists of the future celebrate their international win at The Young Economic Summit in Hamburg

A team of our Year 13 students are celebrating after an incredible result at The Young Economic Summit (YES!) in Hamburg last week. The Young Economic Summit – YES! is a new national competition for schools in the UK, USA and Germany, th…

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Former Head Girl’s gift for the future

Sheffield Girls’ has received a generous gift in memory of former Head Girl, Jane Goodman to fund a full bursary place this September. Jane joined Sheffield Girls’ aged 4 in 1953, representing her year group as Head Girl in Sixth Form be…

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Superstar sports volunteer scoops top GCSE grades to add to accolades

Sheffield Girls’ pupil Hannah Blyth celebrated last week after achieving some fabulous results at GCSE whilst managing her time over the last two years between her studies, various volunteering projects and competing in a number of sport…

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Back of the net for Sports results at Sheffield Girls’

After a summer which saw pupils taking part in international football matches against the Afghanistan national team, and competing in European Swimming Championships, Sheffield Girls’ Sport and PE Department have capped it all off with t…

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Top results for Latin students who shared their love of Classics with aspiring Year 7 pupils

Our GCSE Latin students were celebrating last week as they collected straight Grade 9s. Between them, Imogen Graus, Lily Ward, Anavi Hosaangaadi and Isabella Round picked up a total of 36 GCSEs at grade 9, in a variety of subjects, but w…

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Sheffield Girls’ celebrates stunning achievements of GCSE students as the School leads in the region with 66% grades awarded at 8 or 9

Poppy Wood in iNews, reported this week that GCSE pupils have been told to prepare for disappointment as the Government's attempts to combat grade inflation could mean a drop in top grades and an increase in appeals, but pupils at Sheffi…

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Economists of the future celebrate A Level success at Sheffield Girls'

Students and staff across the School are celebrating this week as we reflect on 100% A* grades for A Level Economics. Despite the huge challenges faced by our students over the last two years, this A Level cohort, who sat formal, externa…

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Sheffield Girls' linguists achieve 100% A* / A grades at A Level

Herzlichen Glückwunsch and Felicidades to our incredible Languages A Level students, all of whom this year have achieved A* or A grades. We offer German, French, Spanish, Latin and Mandarin in our Senior School and beyond the classroom o…

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Sheffield Girls’ Hockey Captain keeps her eyes on the prize, adding an impressive set of A Level grades to this year’s medal haul

England Under 18 Hockey star and Year 13 student Sophie Flint, celebrated this week after netting three grade As at A Level. After juggling her final year studies with her responsibilities in the England U18 squad, which this year involv…

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