Staging Website
Infant School Spring Sing
A big congratulations to all of the Infant Children who took part in the Spring Sing Concert. They all looked bright and colourful in their Spring themed hats and decorated the stage beautifully! The girls sang a variety of Spring them…
90 Junior Gymnasts in Competition
Over 90 girls from Years 3-6 took part in our first internal gymnastics competition, giving every girl who takes part in extra-curricular gymnastics a chance to compete. It was a wonderful display of the gymnastic talent throughout the s…
Last week saw the girls, from our youngest in the Infants right through to Sixth Form, involved in activities celebrating International Women’s Day. With the theme of #PressforProgress several girls contributed to a double page article …
Oxford Debating Competition Finals
Congratulations to our champion debaters Mia, Toni, Beth and Kim, for making it to the Debating finals at the Oxford University Union.
Celebrating 140 Years of Sheffield Girls’
We were delighted to welcome back over 50 former pupils and members of staff to celebrate the school’s 140th birthday with us on Friday 9th March. Guests were given a guided tour of school including a visit to our newly refurbished Trin…
140th Birthday for Sheffield High School for Girls
140 years ago today, our school was founded by four inspirational women: Maria Grey, Emily Shirreff, Henrietta Stanley and Mary Gurney, after whom our school houses are named. They were pioneers in introducing high quality education for…
International Women's Day 2018
We regularly celebrate inspirational women, including the four women who founded our school during a time of massive gender inequality in Victorian Britain. Each year, we acknowledge International Women’s Day in March, and this year we …
World Book Day
Despite many of activities that were planned for World Book Day having to be postponed, many girls who managed to get into school, not only managed to battle the snow, but they did so in costume! We were very pleased to have been able …
‘Naming the Dinosaurs’
To celebrate Earth Science Week in October 2017, the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain (PESGB) and the Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA) ran a national ’Naming the Dinosaurs’ competition for schools, based on the i…