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2020 Tweet

Guided Home Learning - a day in the life

A day in the life of a Junior School teacher. Miss Green, one of our Year 5 teachers, shows us how she has been teaching her class online since lockdown began.

Guided learning

Sixth Form Website

Rolling out bridging materials for our Year 11 and 13 students

Our Year 11 and Year 13 pupils have now come to the end of their GCSE and A-Level courses and for the first time in recent history, schools will begin to generate grades for these students following the decision to cancel all exams in Su…

Sheffield Girls October 2019 Lr 190

A teacher’s perspective of the move to guided home learning, by Sam Duffy.

Sam Duffy is a teacher of English in our Senior School and Regional Advocate for Litdrive South Yorkshire. Sam has written a fantastic piece to share her experience of moving to guided home learning. She discusses delivering live lessons…

Guided learning

2020 Tweet

The Summer Term gets off to a super start!

This Summer Term is not quite what we were expecting...but the sun is very much shining and we’re so pleased that our guided home learning resumed seamlessly on Monday.  There have been plenty of wonderful things happening this week. Fi…

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Year 6 sell their handmade, upcycled gifts to raise money for WWF and World Land Trust

As part of their Better World topic, Year 6 hosted an eco pop-up shop where they sold their incredible handmade, upcycled items to friends and family. Their creations ranged from scented candles to planters, jewellery, and scrunchies. We…

Tues 26Th June 2018 Lr 38

A school update: keeping positive during lockdown at Sheffield Girls’

We may have temporarily closed our doors but we’re not letting that get our spirits down here at Sheffield Girls’. Our move to guided home learning has been smoother than any of us could have hoped, with both pupils and teachers embracin…


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Say hello to your new Head Girl team!

Say hello to our fabulous new Head Girl team for 2020/2021! All the girls who interviewed were utterly brilliant and will now all form part of the new Senior Prefect team. Congratulations to Mia who will be our next Head Girl, along with…


Live chatting with a Space Scientist for Science Week 2020

As part of Science Week 2020, pupils in Year 8 to Year 13 were lucky enough to take part in a webchat with Space and Planetary Scientist, Mark Bentley. Mark is currently working for the European Space Agency, working on BepiColombo, Euro…

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