Staging Website
In Key Stage 4 we continue to provide specialised support as our students consider their next steps and Post 16 options.
Contents on this page
Careers in the Curriculum
We work hard to ensure that careers is securely embedded within the curriculum in PSHE, character education and individual subject areas.
PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic education)
The careers element of PSHE at KS4 helps provide students with the knowledge and skills to apply for future courses and jobs by creating a formal CV, application forms and exploring what to expect from interviews. They also use PSHE time to prepare for their two-week Work Experience placement in Year 11.
Careers lessons
All Year 10 students receive a fortnightly timetabled careers lesson taught by the Head of Careers where they explore in detail key hot topics about the future world of work, employability and careers as well as using Morrisby Careers to explore and research individualised future career plans and Local Market Information.
Subject lessons
Careers opportunities within subject areas include masterclasses with butchers and fishmongers in Cookery and Nutrition, workshops with The Paper Birds Theatre Company in Drama and Theatre studies, an introduction to higher-level Maths at The University of Sheffield and participation in the Teen Tech competition in Science.
We recognise the importance of preparing our students for the future world of work by giving them the knowledge and skills to make them stand out from the crowd.
Annual Careers Fair
We host an evening event with Higher education, Apprenticeship and Further Education providers and employers for our students and parents from all key stages to explore to help inform their future careers.
Annual Careers Evening - featuring keynote speaker
Each year, the focus of this event will change to keep up to date with the ever-changing landscape of careers.
Opportunities Shared as Tasks on Firefly
Opportunities such as virtual live events, work experience and competitions from a wide range of subjects and careers are shared weekly with students and parents via our Intranet.
Inspire North
Hosted at a local university, the event will give students the opportunity to network with students from across the GDST and take part in a number of team activities to develop skills that will help prepare them for Higher Education and the world of work.
Options and Pathways
We ensure our students are fully informed of all options and pathways at Post 14, 16 and 18 and have access to impartial guidance.
Morrisby Online Careers and Aptitude Tests
All students from Year 7 to Year 13 are given life-long access to Morrisby Careers which matches their skills and interests to potential career matches and allows them to explore the latest local market information. At Key Stage 4, students complete aptitude tests which enhance their career matches further.
1:1 Careers Interview
All Year 11 students receive an unbiased, 1:1 tailored careers meeting with a highly qualified Morrisby Careers Advisor to discuss Post 16 options.
Post 16 Options Choices Support
Year 11 students and parents are given unbiased 1:1 support when choosing their Post 16 options. This includes being informed of all pathways, an open morning, mentor, subject tasters and support on GCSE results day.
Live Lunches
Each term, we invite back one of our many alumnae to speak live in conversation with the Head of Careers about their educational journey and career journey to date. Students from all year groups can ask questions, get top tips and network.
Weekly Career Couch
A weekly lunchtime drop-in for all students from Year 7 - Year 13 to ask questions and seek help for all things career-related.