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We believe that the best way to learn about the ancient Romans is through studying their language and we are committed to giving as many students as possible the opportunity to do this. The ultimate aim is to be able to read the works of great ancient authors and so gain a direct insight into a culture which has played such a vital role in the development of western civilisation. We are also convinced that the study of Latin gives students a much better understanding of the grammar and the rich vocabulary of the English language, as well as providing solid support for the learning of other languages. Read more about studying at the best Sheffield secondary school.
We follow The Cambridge Latin Course, which provides a lively approach to the subject with its vivid stories, involving a range of real and fictional characters and supported by a wealth of colourfully-illustrated background material. Teaching is supported by E-learning software, which allows students to explore the stories further and develop their understanding through a variety of online activities. Latin is studied by all girls in Year 8 and Year 9 and is then an option for GCSE and A-level. Girls who are studying Latin at GCSE level accompany us at the Junior School to lead sessions introducing Latin, Greek and the ancient world.
In recent years we have had great success at regional Latin reading competitions, we have visited the British Museum and attended lectures by subject specialists, we have offered Latin Scrabble tournaments and we have led trips to Pompeii and the Bay of Naples and Trier in Germany.
You can find out more about the department and what we offer on Twitter @SheffHSClassics.