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Year 9 Tech Matters
Careers in Computer Science and IT were top of the agenda on Monday 29 January when all of Year 9 had the opportunity to take part in ‘Tech Matters’, a careers event designed to inspire the girls and give them an insight into what further study and careers in Computer Science or IT could offer.
After an introduction from Gillian Arnold, chair of BCSWomen, visitors from Sheffield Hallam University and professionals from various technology companies worked together with our ICT department to provide a number of interactive workshops for the students to take part in.
One of these activities was a ‘speed networking’ session where students had the opportunity to meet some of our alumni and professionals working in a range of ‘tech’ careers. The topics discussed ranged from coding to search engine optimisation, and from creating websites to business analysis, where the pupils were split into groups and had three minutes with each professional to ask questions about their job or University course.
Four more sessions were delivered by alumni and professionals working in the fields of coding, social media and IT recruitment programming, including a session on forensic computer science where girls were required to be digital detectives, making for a day packed with interest and information on careers in Technology.
Year 9 girls Jorja and Cordelia were very impressed by the day. ‘An IT qualification can get you into many jobs in the future,’ said Cordelia. ‘It’s a good platform.’ ‘I was considering taking Computer Science‘ said Jorja , ‘but now I’m definitely going to take it!’