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Year 8 teams pick up two awards at the BIEA International STEM competition
This year we launched a brand new co-curricular club called ‘Save our Shores’. Girls in Year 8 had the opportunity to work in small groups to design a method of clearing plastic waste from shores, river banks and estuaries. They then submitted reports, video presentations, and designs to the BIEA (British International Education Association) International STEM competition.
The club is run by Physics teacher, Mr Carter, who said: “the girls showed tremendous enthusiasm for the environmental competition theme. I was impressed with the creativity and technical aspects of their designs, and at how well they adapted to working collaboratively online.”
Fantastically, two of our five groups, Twenty Shore Seven and Octoπ made it through to the final stage. They were interviewed by an international panel of judges via Zoom. The girls were amazing, spoke confidently and answered a range of questions really well, including the social implications of their designs.
After attending an online awards ceremony, we were absolutely delighted to see that our two teams who reached the final of the BOTH picked up awards! Twenty Shore Seven were awarded the Judges Award and Octoπ picked up second runners up in the same category! A fantastic achievement, we can’t wait to see what next year brings.