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Taking the stage with Verve
It was lights, camera, action yesterday in the Junior School, with girls taking part in an energetic Drama Workshop taught by the Verve Academy of Performing Arts.
Key Stage 2 had an amazing time showing off their showmanship in a session with Verve, a fun-filled theatre school for children, teenagers and adults of all abilities, as a unique introduction to the world of drama. Classes acted out everything from swimming to a dance party, thinking on their feet in groups to make an elephant, a pirate ship and a theme park with just their bodies, and finally worked together to improvise freeze frames from their favourite films.
Ella said, "I loved it. I loved how he let us do what we wanted - we could be creative and do the tasks any way we liked." Ruby agreed, "It was really fun and enjoyable. Tim (who led the workshop) made all the activities really exciting."
Verve offers classes where students can learn to act, sing and dance in a friendly environment. The Junior Academy, Main Academy, Academy Plus and Adults Academy, all held at Silverdale School in the south-west of Sheffield, are taught by professionally trained staff with experience in both teaching and drama. The Academy is also known for its charity fundraising - in early 2018 they raised a huge £26,381 for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, beating their previous year’s total of £23,000.
To learn more about Verve Academy of Performing Arts, visit