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Snowdrops bring classic ‘Rosie’s Walk’ story to life at Whirlow Hall Farm

Pupils from Snowdrops Preschool went on a mini-adventure recently as they traveled to Whirlow Hall Farm to participate in the ‘Rosie’s Walk’ session. The girls and boys brought Pat Hutchins’ classic story to life with role-playing, puppets, and creative hands-on activities to enrich their ‘Traditional Tales’ topic.

The day started with the pupils putting their creative skills into practice as they made their own bees using cardboard, coloured string, and lolly sticks. These came in handy as they visited the farm’s beehives and learned more about how honey is made. 

They then set off on their adventure walk and completed activities linked to Hutchins’ book including making their own fence by weaving sticks, collecting hay to make a large haystack, exploring the pond and catching plastic amphibians using fishing nets.

The children also had the opportunity to meet some of the animals on the farm including horses, ponies, goats, and even got to stroke one of the guinea pigs. 

Their adventure concluded with a ‘walking reading’ of the book, meeting a couple of the characters along the way.

Thank you to Whirlow Hall Farm for hosting such a fantastic, engaging morning.

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