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Junior Triple Weekend Win
It has been an excellent weekend for our junior badminton, trampolining and hockey teams this weekend, with a ‘triple triumph’ of results.
A squad of ten girls, nine from Year 6 and one from Year 5, represented Junior School on Friday 2 February at the U11 South Yorkshire In2Hockey Tournament in Doncaster. Throughout the afternoon the girls played amazingly well, winning their first three games convincingly 3-2, 3-0, 3-0 and only conceding 2-0 in the last game, having played very hard throughout. The girls were runners up in the tournament, but this takes them through to the next round, the North semi-finals at the beginning of March. As an extra highlight, the girls were fortunate enough to meet Holly Pearne-Webb, who netted the decisive penalty for the Great Britain Hockey team to take Gold in the Olympic Games 2016.
On Saturday, 3rd February, Sheffield Girls were one of seven schools playing in the SFSS (Sheffield Federation of School Sport) Year 6 and under badminton tournament. All girls played really well; 'It was great to see such support and comradeship on the court, and to see the girls thinking about their placement of shots and strategy, in both singles and doubles,' observed Mrs Dickson. The doubles tournament ended in an all Sheffield Girls’ final and the singles in a St Marie’s v Sheffield Girls’ final, with our teams taking home the winning trophies.
Also on Saturday, following on from the Yorkshire Championships, the Year 4,5 and 6 trampolinists competed at the North Zonal Trampolining Championships, where the U11 Novice, U11 Intermediate A and U11 Intermediate B teams competed against schools from the North of England and Northern Ireland. The girls showed fantastic confidence; the U11 Novice team and U11 Intermediate A team came 2nd in their category and will now go through to the National Finals in Belfast in March. Miss Green was delighted with the results: ‘In addition to the two teams who went through to the finals, the Intermediate B team also came in 4th place, which is fantastic and shows the strength that the Junior School has at the moment in Trampolining,’ she said.
Mrs Dickson and Mrs Cooke, Head of Girls' Games at Sheffield Girls’ Junior School, dubbed the weekend 'A triple triumph!’ ‘All of the girls' hard work, dedication and commitment has been rewarded, and the experience for them all has been amazing!’ they said.