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Fantastic fieldwork at Cranedale


Year 12 A Level Geographers were situated in the heart of the North Yorkshire in late October to carry out their fieldwork in the stunning Yorkshire Dales.

Pupils had hands on experiences with a variety of topics studied at A Level, including coastal processes and landforms, urban Geography, water and carbon cycles, and coastal erosion and management.

The stark white cliff face of Flamborough Head was ideal for students to see the effects of long-term erosion and weathering for themselves, and a visit to the nearby seaside resort town of Scarborough meant pupils could also study Geography away from the wild landscapes, using several data collection techniques to analyse the population and assess what gives Scarborough its unique sense of place. Later in the week, investigations of water cycles took place at Dalby forest and the adjacent sprawling moorland. The trip concluded at Skipsea Mappleton and Hornsea on the Holderness Coast studying coastal management.

Fiona, one of the pupils on the trip, commented, “I think the whole group really bonded at Cranedale. We all got a lot closer, and it made the work really enjoyable.

“The best part for me was the outing to Scarborough on the Wednesday. I really had fun doing the environmental and emotional surveys to find out more about the town.”

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