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Extraordinaire! Final results of the Language Perfect Northern Championships 2018
Years 4 to 6 are so proud of their achievements in the Language Perfect Northern Championships 2018, coming 1st in England and 3rd overall in their category.
As part of the Education Perfect online learning platform, the annual Language Perfect Northern Championships are an excellent way to raise the profile of Languages in schools, and for Junior, Middle and Senior pupils to revise and learn with friendly competition. Pupils can also choose to try out new languages that they may not have studied in school, like Japanese and Chinese.
This year, the online competition saw 151 schools compete across 77 countries in the Northern Hemisphere, with Sheffield Girls’ facing off in the 101-250 students category. The girls surpassed themselves with achievements and earned numerous Credit, Bronze, Silver and Emerald Awards for gaining points, including one outstanding Elite Award for earning more than 10,000 points.
The statistics show the girls’ hard work: pupils came 1st in England and 3rd overall in their category, as well as coming 1st in Japanese, 3rd in Chinese and 11th in French in their category too.
The girls found it both useful and a fun learning experience. Rumbi, learning French, said, “I loved Language Perfect because of all the fun I had learning Italian, German, Spanish and French. It’s improved my speaking, writing and especially learning.”