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A Taste of Success for Year 12 Young Enterprise Team

On Monday 14 May, our Year 12 Young Enterprise Company ‘Palate’ were successful once again when they attended the Young Enterprise South Yorkshire County Finals at Sheffield City College, where they competed against other teams in the county to be named the Best Company 2018.

The team, named Palate, created an ‘Around the World Cookbook’. Team Member Charlotte Wainwright explained: ‘At the event we presented our trade stand, were interviewed by all of the judges and performed our company presentation in front of everyone who attended the event,’ she said.

‘Our team are delighted to announce that came away as the winner of the competition as we won the Best Company award along with awards for Best Company Presentation and Best Social, Ethical and Environmental Company and will now be attending the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Finals in June.’ The book is still available to purchase online:

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