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Junior School Curriculum
In the Junior School we offer a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum which provides opportunities for all pupils to make progress, enjoy learning and fully develop their abilities in their primary education.
We encourage girls to be enthusiastic, self-motivated and enquiring learners and ensure that what is taught is relevant and stimulating to meet the learning needs of each individual. Sheffield Girls' Junior School is one of the best primary schools in Sheffield and our curriculum reflects that.
We encourage excellence and provide opportunities and challenges for your daughter to discover and develop her linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical and creative potential through subject matter appropriate for her age, aptitudes and interests.
As well as the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, the teachers at Sheffield Girls’ recognise the importance of subjects that offer opportunities for the girls to further develop their creativity, inquisitiveness and physical agility. Our broader Junior School curriculum includes History, Geography, Drama, Religious Studies and PSHE with specialist teaching in Music, Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish or German), Art and Design Technology and Physical Education.
Residential Visits
Girls from Year 3 upwards take part in a residential visit each year which are great fun and eagerly anticipated by all. The length of time and the distance from Sheffield are increased as the girls grow older, with Year 3 having a one night stay in Castleton, Year 4 spending one night at Thornbridge, Year 5 spending two nights in Whitby and Year 6 spending three nights at Kingswood in Staffordshire.
As well as developing their independence, the Year 3, 4 and 5 trips have close links with the curriculum and the girls will spend time doing field work linked with their studies. The Year 6 residential visit aims to further develop the girls’ teamwork and problem solving skills as well as being an exciting way to spend time together as they near the end of their Junior School experience.