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Beyond the Classroom

Life at Sheffield Girls'  is about much more than learning in the classroom.

The Infant School offers a variety of clubs and activities which provide opportunities for the girls to experience something different, hone existing talents and learn new skills. The list of clubs is published termly and promoted in school. 

Sport and Dance

Sport, Dance and Physical Education are a very important and hugely popular part of life at Sheffield Girls’. All of our girls are encouraged to participate for the benefit of their own health and fitness, and also to learn valuable lessons of teamwork, fair play, resilience and respect. 


Individual music lessons are offered to all girls, and we have peripatetic music teachers who teach piano, violin, viola, cello, clarinet, flute, acoustic guitar, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, tenor horn, euphonium, French horn, tuba, harp, drums and orchestral percussion. The lessons are timetabled on a rota system during the school day, in order to avoid missing the same area of the curriculum each week. Girls are put forward for examinations and are awarded their grades in music.

Music lessons are normally available from Year 1, depending on whether girls are physically and developmentally ready for the instrument they wish to study. The Music Co-ordinator is happy to advise on the suitability of instruments.


Opportunities for your daughter to take part in Drama in the Infant School are abundant. They range from timetabled Drama lessons and assemblies to other full-scale productions including the annual nativity performance. The benefits of performing arts are wide-ranging and look to build the girls’ confidence, while developing their creative talents and team working skills.


Art is a vital and vibrant part of the Infant School curriculum. Your daughter will study a variety of artists and explore an exciting range of media and materials to develop her creative talents.

Recent projects include whole-school participation in the Art at Chatsworth exhibition, as well as The Herd of Sheffield – a public art initiative by the Children’s Hospital Charity. The girls regularly take part in the National Gallery ‘Take One Picture’ programme and create artwork as well as literacy work based on a painting. There are also opportunities for your daughter to visit local galleries and museums to gain an appreciation of various types of art, often linked to the connected, creative curriculum.

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