For parents wishing to pay advance fees of more than one year, a discount and three different payment plans are available. Please contact the GDST fees department for more details.
Staging Website
Our fees are as inclusive as possible, covering not only our exceptional academic tuition but a large portion of school life.
Fees must be paid by Direct Debit on either a termly or monthly basis. A deposit is payable on acceptance of a place.
Fees 2023-24 | Per Month | Per Term |
Reception - Y2 | £887.75 | £3551 |
Y3 - Y6 | £921.25 | £3685 |
Y7 - Y11 | £1248.75 | £4995 |
Y12 - Y13 | £1248.75 | £4995 |
Additional Fees 2023-24 |
Registration Fee | £35 |
Deposit | £300 |
Lunch is compulsory for Reception - Year 7, and is £247.92 per term.
In order to prevent a number of financial requests throughout the year, the majority of curriculum trip fees are included within the school fees. This element is termed 'extras' and will vary across year groups depending on the number of planned trips.
What do the fees cover?
- Regular curriculum tuition (other than in optional extra subjects)
- Physical Education
- Many lunchtime and after-school activities
- Stationery
- Text books and scientific materials
- All public examinations and other standardised tests, including pupil careers testing
- Some curricular trips and field studies
- Expenses of careers advice tests and guidance from Year 10 onwards
What isn't covered in the fees?
The following optional additional 'extras':
- School lunches for Year 8 - Year 13
- Some out-of-school visits
- Exam re-marks requested by parents, or re-takes of modular A-levels (charged extra at the Examining Board rates)
- Optional extra subjects including Music, and Speech and Drama (charges made directly by the School or the visiting teacher)
- Tuition Fees for Musical Instruments and Associated Disciplines, including piano, violin, viola, cello, clarinet, bass clarinet, flute, piccolo, oboe, bassoon, recorder, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, French horn, guitar, double bass, voice and percussion (charged by visiting teachers)
For the latest information on the cost of lessons, please contact the School.